How to walk with a walking stick (2025)

A walking stick is a mobility device that canprovide you with extra support and balance while you walk - but how exactly doyou use one, and do you even need to invest in one for yourself at all? In thisarticle, we take a look at why you might decide to start using a walking stick,including tips on how to use it correctly and advice on how to pick the rightstyle for you.

Many people use a walking stick for assistance with stability as theyage, while others may use one to help compensate for a disability. They canalso be used temporarily while you recover from an injury that has impactedyour stability, such as a leg or hip injury.

Sometimes it can be tricky to work out when you might need to start using a walking stick, but more often than not, your body will let you know. For example, if you feel extreme discomfort in your knees, legs or even your back while you walk, a stick could really help alleviate this pain. You may also find a walking stick helps if you often feel tired or out of breath as you walk. You might even benefit from using one if you feel unsteady on your feet, especially if you often worry you may fall. So, if you struggle to walk comfortably, or you suffer pain while you’re out and about, it may be time to invest in one of these aids to help you walk with more confidence.

If used in the right way, a walking stick has the ability to relievepressure, alleviate pain and improve your balance. Meanwhile, using your stickincorrectly could increase your risk of falling over, which as a result, maylead to further injury. So, to ensure you’re using your stick correctly, hereare some handy tips.

-Check the height

First and foremost, it’s importantthat your stick is positioned at a height that’s right for you. To figure thisout, you should stand up and keep your arms relaxed by your sides. The tip ofthe handle should be level with your wrist bone. Adjusting your stick so thatit is at the perfect height will help reduce pressure on your wrists, arms andshoulders, helping you to walk with comfort and confidence.

-Use it on thecorrect side

If you have suffered an injury, you may be tempted to use your walkingstick on your weaker side for extra support. However, doing this could meanthat you lean more heavily on that side, which in turn, could cause more painand discomfort. Instead, you should use your stick on your stronger side. Thiswill allow you to shift your weight to your uninjured so you’re able to walkmore comfortably.

-Keep yourposture in check

When you’re walking with yourstick, try your best to keep your back as straight as possible, and you shouldalso try to stop yourself from leaning too far to one side or too far forward.Although it’s perfectly fine to put your weight on the walking stick itself,you should make a conscious effort to centre your balance as much as you can.

-Practise yourtechnique

There’s no denying that using awalking stick can take some getting used to, so make sure that you practiseusing it regularly to get your technique just right. To help you get into theswing of using it, try to move your weaker leg and the stick at the same time.As you step forward, your stick and the opposite foot should both touch theground at the same time.

Similarly, when it comes totackling stairs, make sure that you step up with your stronger leg in the firstinstance, followed by the stick and your other leg, using the stick to push youup. When you’re walking down a set of stairs, do the opposite and use yourweaker leg and stick first. In this case, your stick will take the weight off yourpainful leg.

How to pick a walking stick

When it comes to walking sticks, it’s not a case of one size fits all. Infact, there are a variety of different sizes, styles and additional features tochoose from, giving you the chance to select one that’s perfect for you andyour needs. To help you pick a stick that’s right for you, you might want tokeep the following in mind.

-Think aboutstyle

Although the majority of walkingsticks have a long, straight shape with a handle at the top, there are avariety of different styles to choose from. For example, you might want to gofor one that has a swan shaped neck and an angled shaft close to the handle.This style of stick is ideal if you need to place a lot of your weight on thestick. Alternatively, you could go for atripod style stick which has three legs, rather than one single base like atraditional stick. These additional legs can provide extra stability if you areparticularly unsteady on your feet. The three legs also means that this type ofstick can stand up of its own accord, meaning you needn’t lean or bend over topick it up.

-Choose the rightmaterial

Generally speaking, walking sticksare usually made out of wood or aluminium - but which material is best for you?Wooden walking sticks can be found in a variety of different woods, such asoak, ash and chestnut, in a variety of colours. This type of stick is populardue to its strong, durable qualities, as well as the traditional, attractivelook of the stick itself.On the other hand, aluminum is often used in the manufacturing of walkingsticks due to the fact this material is lightweight yet strong. A lot ofaluminum sticks have a telescopic design, meaning you can collapse the stickand store it away with ease when you’re not using it.

-Consider handlestyle

Believe it or not, there are awhole host of different handle shapes to choose from too. The most traditionalstyle is a crook handle which allows you to hook the walking stick over yourarm when it's not in use. Alternatively, you could choose a specially designedergonomic style handle which offers orthopaedic support for your hand. Thisstyle of handle is particularly suited to those who suffer from arthritis.Other handle styles include petite designs which, as the name suggests, areideal for those with small hands, as well as Derby and Fischer handles whichhave elegant, curved designs to provide extra comfort.

-Think aboutadditional features

After taking style, material andhandle type into consideration, you may want to think about what additionalfeatures you’d like your stick to have. For example, you might want to go for a3-in-1 walking stick which offers a variety ofsafety extras, including an LED light, siren and flashing light. You could evenopt for a design that has a fold out handle or even a seat.

How to walk with a walking stick (2025)
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Name: Greg O'Connell

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.