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      Howto: Archive Invalidation

      The first step into (advanced) modding is to enable the "Archive Invalidation". With that your Starfield can load so called "loose files", which many mods needs. This how-to will show you how to enable it.

      Step 1: Find the folder for the INI

      • Go to the folder Documents\My Games\Starfield\ on your PC.
        • Tip: You can go there by simply copying this into your explorer address bar: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Starfield\
        • If you use OneDrive the location is OneDrive\Documents\My Games\Starfield\
        • If that folder doesn't exists simply start your Starfield once.
      • You should see a file StarfieldPrefs.ini there (or simply StarfieldPrefs if your Windows doesn't show file extensions)

      Step 2: Create your StarfieldCustom.ini
      • If you already have a StarfieldCustom.ini skip this whole step 2
      • Create a copy of your StarfieldPrefs.ini:
        • Right click on StarfieldPrefs.ini and select "Copy"
        • Right click on a free space in the folder and select "Paste"
      • After that you should have a new file called StarfieldPrefs - Copy.ini (Note: Depending on your language it will contain your locale word for "Copy")
      • Rename the new file StarfieldPrefs - Copy.ini to StarfieldCustom.ini (e.g. by pressing F2 when your have that file selected. Note: When you don't see the .ini extension, then rename it to "StarfieldCustom" - do not add an ".ini"!)
      • Open StarfieldCustom.ini and delete all text it contains

      Step 3: Add/change INI values
      • Add a section [Archive] (if you already have that section don't add a second)
      • Add the line bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 to your [Archive] section
      • Add the line sResourceDataDirsFinal= to your [Archive] section (It's correct that there is nothing behind =)

      Now your StarfieldCustom.ini should look like this:

      That's it! Your Starfield is now ready for modding!Troubleshooting

      Some users have difficulties when creating this file and adding the ini settings. Here are the most common problems and their solutions!

      Wrong file type
      Windows doesn't show file extensions by default. So you may have a file "StarfieldCustom.ini", but it isn't an INI. You can easily check that by looking at the third column "Type" in Explorer. It should contain "Configuration settings", "INI file" or similar (depending on your language). If it is a "Text document", then it is definitely wrong!
      Solution: Either create the file again with the how-to seen above, or enable "Show file extensions" in your Windows and rename it to the correct extension.
      Tip: You can enable "Show file extensions" easily, see this image made by ajantaju:

      Invisible characters
      When copying the lines from some websites, there may be hidden invisible characters in the copied text. Those characters will make your INI simply not working. The bad thing: You can't see those invisible characters with the standard Windows Notepad.
      Easy Solution: Delete the whole section and type it in by hand (make sure to have no spelling mistakes in there). Also make sure to press enter after the last line, so if any invisible characters are existing, they are moved to a new line where those don't cause any harm.
      Expert solution: Install Notepad++ and enable the display of invisible characters: Click on "View" in the menu bar, go into "Show Symbol" and select "Show all characters". Then you see new symbols in the text. There should be only [CR][LF] visible at the line end (that is the default invisible character for line break in Windows)When nothing helps
      If you can't make the setting to work, you can try this:
      There is a Starfield.ini in the game folder (where Starfield.exe is). This file already contains an entry for sResourceDataDirsFinal, which is probably:
      Change that line to having nothing behind the "=" and add the line with "bInvalidateOlderFiles=1". So this file should now contain exact the same values as your StarfieldCustom.ini should have.BethINI
      When it just won't work for you, you should try using BethINI.
      The program will automatically create and adapt the necessary INI file(s), set the value in the correct format, and also fix broken existing INI files.
      How-To: Get it from BethINI. Start it. Enable checkbox "Load Loose Files" in the bottom left. Exit and confirm save.

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        1. psycoredelic

          • member
          • 2 kudos

            Copying the StarfieldPrefs.ini and deleting its contents is such a confusing roundabout way of doing this, instead of just creating a new file.

              1. ColdFootedMole

                • member
                • 0 kudos

                  Its not when windows disables file extensions by default, everyone will end up making .ini.txt files because of that

                • NewtSoup

                  • supporter
                  • 0 kudos

                    Tried several things. Messed with the ini files and moved the mods from the games Data directory to the one in My Documents but nothing.

                    I'm going back to no mods until Bethesda released the creation kit

                      1. Sirvyval

                        • premium
                        • 0 kudos

                          I tried many times, too. Nothing worked. I probably will also wait for the creation kit-based mods.
                          So this is just annoying and disappointing.

                          • Pirahna9

                            • member
                            • 10 kudos

                              From what these two are saying, it sounds like they copied the files to the folder inside the windows documents folder. The mod files need to be in the data folder in the Starfield installation folder. Usually that is Steam/Steamapps/common/Starfield/data. The documents folder is for configuration files (IE StarfieldCustom.ini ) and saved games. Be sure you copy the contents of the mod to the data folder in the installation folder you installed Starfield into. If you used steam to install refer to the location above.

                            • pyro139

                              • member
                              • 0 kudos

                                good morning, not sure if missing log file or just looking wrong spot, where should log file be and what's its name?

                                • JamesHunter4444

                                  • premium
                                  • 0 kudos

                                    Awesome stuffs, though it might have been patched in by default now.
                                    When I went to do this, the file was already set and ready to go. Possibly is because I downloaded from Steam too, might have some stuff that the Bethesda Launcher doesn't.

                                    • Schaeen

                                      • supporter
                                      • 1 kudos

                                        Thank you for writing this clearly and simply!

                                        • Fortissimo71

                                          • member
                                          • 0 kudos

                                            after modifying the .ini files, game starts but cannot continue since savegame doesn't load.
                                            it just in endless loop.
                                            same for new game: doesn't load.
                                            so back to original and f*#@ the mods...

                                              1. Enhi0

                                                • supporter
                                                • 0 kudos

                                                  I'm having the same issue are you running the steam version or xbox

                                                • asgorioth

                                                  • member
                                                  • 0 kudos

                                                    Solved it for Steam (i hope..)

                                                    Installed through Vortex and changed everything as instructed, still didn't work.
                                                    I was about to give up but ... then I just bluntly copied the entire mod folder "C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Vortex\starfield\mods\StarUI Inventory-773-2-3-2-1696885797\Data\Interface" straight into the Steam Starfield installation folder under Data. I created the Interface folder since it didn't exist.

                                                    And now it works! :)
                                                    I'm having doubts that it's the right way to go but for now im happy at least. Unsure what will happen when Steam updates the game...
                                                    Seems like Vortex is having a hard time integrating with the Steam installation.

                                                    • BitterVagabond

                                                      • member
                                                      • 0 kudos

                                                        I was able to get this mod to work first try, but now my graphics are really choppy. No matter what settings I try, the frame rate drops significantly. This is the Steam version (Windows) installed on a different volume than root. `StarfieldPrefs.ini` was located in the directory the instructions said it would be.In my `StarfieldCustom.ini`, this is all I did. Any suggestions?

                                                        • surf47

                                                          • member
                                                          • 0 kudos

                                                            How about just right-click and "create new text file", then paste the required lines in there , then just rename it to "StarfieldPrefs.ini " ... holy sh*t, looking at these instructions already made my head hurt ))) it's not rocket science, and you can make it sound as simple as it really is )) it's just a text file with a .ini on the end of its name instead of .txt (file extension)! (but even with these "fool proof" instructions/method ppl still manage to mess something up ... mb if there was just like 2 steps in the instructions there would be less chance for someone to go wrong >_<)

                                                              1. Brandmwill

                                                                • premium
                                                                • 1 kudos

                                                                  right click what? its not rocket science but its not elementary either. whats plan B if this doesnt work? we both know we need a plan b

                                                                • alchemystn2o

                                                                  • supporter
                                                                  • 3 kudos

                                                                    For me, I had to do this additional step after step 3:

                                                                    From Starfield.ini (the one with Starfield.exe)

                                                                    (bunch of bloats)

                                                                    And StarUI actually worked!! Wooot! TY everyone for this awesome info.

                                                                      1. darXoho

                                                                        • member
                                                                        • 0 kudos

                                                                          thank you this worx for me with the xbox app installation of the game =D

                                                                          copied content out of my starfield.ini:
                                                                          uExterior Cell Buffer=36



                                                                          SResourceArchiveList=Starfield - Animations.ba2, Starfield - DensityMaps.ba2, Starfield - FaceAnimation01.ba2, Starfield - FaceAnimation02.ba2, Starfield - FaceAnimation03.ba2, Starfield - FaceAnimation04.ba2, Starfield - FaceAnimationPatch.ba2, Starfield - FaceMeshes.ba2, Starfield - GeneratedTextures.ba2, Starfield - LODMeshes.ba2, Starfield - LODMeshesPatch.ba2, Starfield - Materials.ba2, Starfield - Meshes01.ba2, Starfield - Meshes02.ba2, Starfield - MeshesPatch.ba2, Starfield - Misc.ba2, Starfield - Particles.ba2, Starfield - PlanetData.ba2, Starfield - Terrain01.ba2, Starfield - Terrain02.ba2, Starfield - Terrain03.ba2, Starfield - Terrain04.ba2, Starfield - TerrainPatch.ba2
                                                                          sResourceIndexFileList=Starfield - LODTextures.ba2, Starfield - Textures01.ba2, Starfield - Textures02.ba2, Starfield - Textures03.ba2, Starfield - Textures04.ba2, Starfield - Textures05.ba2, Starfield - Textures06.ba2, Starfield - Textures07.ba2, Starfield - Textures08.ba2, Starfield - Textures09.ba2, Starfield - Textures10.ba2, Starfield - Textures11.ba2, Starfield - TexturesPatch.ba2
                                                                          SResourceArchiveMemoryCacheList=Starfield - Interface.ba2, Starfield - Misc.ba2
                                                                          sResourceStartUpArchiveList=Starfield - Interface.ba2, Starfield - Localization.ba2, Starfield - Shaders.ba2, Starfield - ShadersBeta.ba2, Starfield - WwiseSounds01.ba2, Starfield - WwiseSounds02.ba2, Starfield - WwiseSounds03.ba2, Starfield - WwiseSounds04.ba2, Starfield - WwiseSounds05.ba2, Starfield - WwiseSoundsPatch.ba2, BlueprintShips-Starfield - Localization.ba2
                                                                          sResourceEnglishVoiceList=Starfield - Voices01.ba2, Starfield - Voices02.ba2, Starfield - VoicesPatch.ba2


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                                                                        Howto: Archive Invalidation (2024)
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                                                                        Author: Delena Feil

                                                                        Last Updated:

                                                                        Views: 5995

                                                                        Rating: 4.4 / 5 (65 voted)

                                                                        Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

                                                                        Author information

                                                                        Name: Delena Feil

                                                                        Birthday: 1998-08-29

                                                                        Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

                                                                        Phone: +99513241752844

                                                                        Job: Design Supervisor

                                                                        Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

                                                                        Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.